Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 19.

I've been incredibly busy and tired from work and didn't have the time to make an entry for the last week or so. However, I've been keeping up with my water changes, of course.

Notable things are that I've moved Rainer over to the main tank. He's found a nice hidey-hole under a piece of driftwood. Otto is still alive and well. The glosso is definitely growing well. The HC doesn't seem to have any noticeable growth but isn't dying either. There are green spots, which I assume are algae, growing on the glass. I don't mind them, because there's been an outbreak of snails. I'm kind of interested to find out what type of snails they are (too small to tell now) but I highly doubt I'll keep them around once they grow bigger.

Finally, the biggest thing to note is this:

Yes, after almost 3 weeks, my tank is finally starting to cycle! I thought the low pH was preventing it from doing so, but turns out it just needed some time. Of course, the amounts of ammonia and nitrites are pretty high right now, so I'll be keeping on top of my water changes. Good thing I'm not working the next couple of days.

If anyone is selling shrimp please let me know! I want to get some for this main tank once it's done cycling and the glosso carpet is properly grown. Will also be putting in my driftwood and getting mosses!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see your tank being cycled (or cycling).
    shrimps can be found at all LFS.. best is to wait until your tank is cycled before introducing the shrimps.
