Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 10.

It feels like I've been working on the tank for a long time but it's only been 10 days.

Firstly, Swarley has eaten part of his moult, so that's good. Boyfriend said he saw Swarley holding his moulted claw. It must have been an amusing sight.

Secondly, the Red Tiger Lotus isn't doing very well. I dosed a lot of ferts and even Excel, but maybe a wine glass just isn't the best place for it. I think it might be the light, but I've already put it next to my main tank and I've read in many places that this plant does fine in low light conditions. Anyway, I left the leaves in the wine glass and placed the bulb in my shrimp tank.

Thirdly, two out of my last four feeder guppies have died, so I transferred the living two to Swarley's tank and got rid of the temporary container. Hopefully my room won't smell so bad anymore.

Lastly, my fanworts are dying. I posted in AQ asking for help. When I came home, I discovered that the stalk with two white buds had broken off. I'm quite sad since I've been looking forward to seeing them flower. The leaves are just turning brown and falling off the stem. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, since the anubias, glosso and HC seem to be doing fine. I dose Excel almost daily and Flourish maybe once every three days. My lighting setup is 0.5W x 7, with two 6-hour photo periods every day. The only problem I can think of is that it's below my HO filter, slightly to the side, so perhaps the current is too strong?

It looks so sad now.

Just did a 20% water change, as usual. Will test parameters later. I wonder if the tank will cycle even with low pH.

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