Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 5.

After having been away for almost 48 hours, I came home to find a handful of dead feeder guppies again, not as much as the last time. Most were in Swarley's tank. Topped up the water in the shrimp tank and Swarley's tank, then did a 20% water change for the main tank.

I had left the light and cooling fan of the main tank on for the last 48 hours. There were several changes.

Firstly, my anubias flowered! I'm so lucky.

Secondly, it was a mistake to throw the feeder guppy into the main tank because I found 3 babies today. If you look carefully in the photo below you can see one of the babies hiding in there. I can only hope that I didn't accidentally throw out some of the other little ones during the water change.

Lastly, all the plants directly below the filter outlet were disintegrating. The anacharis, especially, so I removed all of them. It was a terribly long process. I also removed some of the hornwort that has been battered by the filter. The rest of them seem quite healthy though.

I have mixed feelings about the foreground plants. The glosso doesn't look so good, particularly on the right side. However, the HC is so bright and green and looks healthy.

So that's all for today. A handful of interesting changes since the last time I saw the tank. I also managed to buy a large piece of driftwood for $8 at the LFS near my workplace and am soaking it now. Hoping to add it to the tank a couple weeks later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Use timer to control photoperiod, having more does not mean better for flora and fauna.

    Set it 6 to 8 hrs max should be sufficient
