I tested the water parameters when I awoke - nothing special.
pH is still low, so I added some crushed coral. I have it hanging from the shrimp net in the filter. Hopefully it makes a difference.
The last hornwort at the right side of the tank was falling apart too, so I removed it as well. Then I noticed that my driftwood was growing some fuzzy white stuff. I did a quick Google search and people said it was normal, and that ottos eat the stuff and they are quite hardy, so I quickly zipped over to the LFS at Tampines to get one. I also wanted to get some moss for the driftwood that was soaking.
I should have known better than to make an impulse purchase. After some more research, it turns out that ottos are very sensitive and will die very easily during acclimatization, particularly in a non-cycled tank. Wow, and I thought that since my guppy could survive inside, then other fish would too. I'm so sorry little guy, it's unlikely that you'll still be alive by tomorrow, but I really really hope that you will.
I was actually considering putting it into my other cycled tanks. Especially my shrimp tank that has been around for 4 months. However, I have never tested the parameters of that tank. True enough, it had already been cycled, but the nitrites and nitrates were through the roof! I quickly did a water change. Very amazed that a whole bunch of guppies managed to live through it. I also spotted Rainer, it's actually alive! Will move it to the 1-ft tank once it's cycled.
I didn't manage to get any moss from the LFS, but I did get a Red Tiger Lotus. It was the only one there and looked quite damaged, but from what I've researched (I actually did the research before buying this one) they grow very easily and very fast, even in low-mid light. I had been worried that they would take over my tank since they're very invasive, but while I was at the LFS I saw that they put a lotus plant in a wine glass, then put it into the tank. I thought it was a great idea!
I haven't put it into the main tank yet because I'm worried about the otto right now. Will see how it fares and relocate accordingly.
Did another test and water parameters are still the same as morning. pH didn't rise much. There must be something in the tank that's making the pH go down because I tested my tap water and the pH was around 7.6.
Hopefully the otto will live, and the tank will start to cycle.
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